Learn to play faster with the exact exercises that El Estepario uses to
develop his boundary-pushing speed.
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Learn to play faster with the exact exercises that El Estepario uses to
develop his boundary-pushing speed.
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send you your free lessons
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If you want to play faster, simply upping the tempo on your metronome won't cut it.
This 10-lesson series will give you all the building blocks you need to become a faster player,
increase your precision, and endurance.
Meet Your Teacher
Learning from a pro drummer used to be a privilege reserved for a select few. But not anymore. Thanks to the internet and dedicated educators, world-class drummers are more accessible than ever—and few have made a bigger impact than El Estepario Siberiano.
He's inspired millions of people with his dedication, talent, and innovation. He plays at speeds (with one AND two hands) that were thought to be impossible and constantly applies these skills in a musical context—not just playing fast for the sake of playing fast.
He's developed key exercises that have helped him play at these speeds – and now he's here to teach you!
Enter your email, and we will send you the 10-lesson series for free (no payment info required, no strings attached).
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Stop feeling stuck in the same place, dealing with the same frustrations… unable to play songs at the speed you want.
To play faster, you need to train smarter.
Fastest Way to Get Faster eliminates the guesswork by giving you exercises Estepario used himself to become one of the fastest drummers in the world.
AND they’re free… submit your email below and see the progress for yourself.
You should receive an email from team@drumeo.com within 10 minutes. If you don’t, then check your spam folder or re-enter your email address again.
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