Setup Guide (Gear Guide)

Lesson 7 of 12

Domino gives you a simple overview of how to set up and position your drums. These tips will help you ensure you’re comfortable sitting behind the drums.


Set up your throne height to be comfortable, usually having the height set so your hips are just above your knees is a good starting point.

Set up the snare stand and place the snare drum in the “basket”. The 3 arms of the stand basket should be touching the bottom of the snare but not snugly. Start at just above knee height.

Set the bass drum up by extending out the spurs, the front of the bass drum should be slightly elevated off the floor. Attach the bass drum pedal to the bass drum.

Set up the hi-hat stand so the pedal is flat on the ground and the legs support it. Place the “bottom” hi-hat cymbal upside down on the stand, and attach the clutch to the top hi-hat cymbal. Place the cymbal onto the stand, press down on the pedal approx 1”, and tighten the clutch. When you release your foot, the cymbals should be in an open position.

The rack tom connects to a mount on the bass drum (some will mount off a cymbal stand.)

The floor tom has three legs that are used to set its height and angle.

The ride and crash cymbals come next. The ride goes somewhere between the largest mounted tom and the floor tom. The crash should be positioned somewhere above the smallest tom. It’s important to make sure there are felt washers above and below the cymbal.


Set up your throne height to be comfortable, usually having the height set so your hips are just above your knees is a good starting point.

Most e-kits are set up on a drum rack. Make sure the rack is solid and stable, and attach the drum module to the rack.

Set up your foot pedals in a comfortable position- in some cases, it will require connecting a bass drum pedal to a kick trigger.

Attach the pads to the rack- the snare pad may be larger or have a special design for more sound options so make sure it gets in the correct position. Set the snare pad so it’s just above your knees and the center of the pad is in a comfortable position to strike.

Attach the cymbal pads to the rack, placing them so they are easy to reach but out of the way to hit the other pads.

Connect all the cables between your drum module and the pads- the style of connection will vary but all pads will have a cable running to the module. Make sure the cables are out of your way and that there is enough slack to make positioning changes.