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Jared Falk  /  Practice Tips
Does Your Timing Suck? Take The Test
How good is your internal clock? How well can you play with a metronome? Test yourself with the ultimate timing challenge!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
Workout Tips For Drummers
What exercises should you do to improve your drum performance? Flo Mounier, personal trainer and drummer for Cryptopsy, offers 5 tips.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
4 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Practicing Drums
Are you struggling to get into a solid practice routine? Here are four ways to trick yourself into doing it - even if you're feeling unmotivated!

Jared Falk  /  Technique
10 Levels Of Linear Drumming
Want to be a drummer with 'crazy chops'? Or just want to learn some cool-sounding patterns? This is the lesson for you!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
10 Things Drummers Learned In 2020
Drummers learned how to collaborate remotely, practice alone, and even live stream. What did you learn in 2020?

Samantha Landa  /  Practice Tips
5 Winter Practice Tips For Drummers
Learn how to stay warm and protect your gear during the winter.

Gregg Bissonette  /  Practice Tips
How To Learn Drum Parts Without Drums
Gregg Bissonette explains how vocalizing parts helps us learn them long before we actually get to try them on the drums.

Jack Thomas  /  Hand Technique
How To Play Drums With One Arm
When you drop a stick, how do you keep the beat going while fishing out another one? Jack Thomas teaches you how to drum with one arm.

Sarah Thawer  /  Practice Tips
5 Ways A Drummer Can Get People Dancing
Sarah Thawer shows you how to write and play drum parts that will pack the dance floor.

JJ Jones  /  Health
How To Deal With Stage Fright
Stage fright stopping you from living your dreams? Try some of these research-supported techniques to curb your performance anxiety.

Dorothea Taylor  /  Practice Tips
3 Drumline-Inspired Warmups For Every Drummer
These warmups will get your hands in top shape - even if you aren't a marching drummer. Try them with a friend!

Brandon Toews  /  Practice Tips
6 Metronome Hacks To Level Up Your Drumming
You can do much more with a metronome than you think! Here are 6 click tricks to turn you into a human clock.

Jared Falk  /  Hand Technique
5 Proven Ways To Fix Your Double Strokes
Double strokes are critical for drummers. Here are 5 guaranteed ways you can improve your doubles game.

Glen Sobel  /  Full Lessons
The Secret To The Perfect Arena Rock Snare Sound
Did you know you can get Alice Cooper's epic snare sound without changing your gear? Check out this full lesson with Glen Sobel!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
How Drumming Tamed His Tourette’s
Twitch streamer Greg Storey (aka 'mrgregles') found that drumming completely stopped his tics.

Jared Falk  /  Health
5 Ways To Kill The Quarantine Blues
There's a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, and you might be feeling stressed or isolated as a drummer. Try these 5 tips.

Alex Rudinger  /  Technique
How To Play Linear Singles
Learn how to play one of Alex Rudinger's favorite linear patterns in this quick video.

JJ Jones  /  Practice Tips
How To Prepare For Your First Gig 
If you're feeling nervous about playing in front of an audience for the first time, here are some tips to keep you calm and organized.

Jared Falk  /  Hand Technique
How To Hold Drumsticks (Step-By-Step With Video)
In this quick video for beginner drummers, you'll learn how to hold your drumsticks using matched grip.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
Can You Drum While Pregnant? Tips For Drummer Moms
Is it safe to drum while pregnant? Can you play drums with a baby at home? Check out this special Mother's Day article.

Rashid Williams  /  Foot Technique
How To Play Triples On A Single Pedal
In this quick video, Rashid Williams shows you how to get a single pedal to sound like a double pedal.

Dave Atkinson  /  Practice Tips
8 Bass Drum Warmups That Prevent Injury
Warming up will get the blood flowing and help prevent injury. Check out these stretches and warmups you can do on or off the kit!

Aaron Edgar  /  Foot Technique
Use ‘Groove Glue’ To Anchor Your Playing
Whether it's your left foot or right hand, a rock solid groove foundation will help you take your drumming to the next level.

Alex Rudinger  /  Full Lessons
Mental Health For Modern Drummers
Ever dealt with anxiety or depression, or know what it's like to be hard on yourself? Don't miss this lesson with Alex Rudinger.

Heather Thomas  /  Practice Tips
5 Tips For Drumming And Singing
If the idea of singing while drumming stresses you out, let Heather Thomas show you how to make it feel and sound natural.

Russ Miller  /  Foot Technique
Triple Your Foot Speed In One Day
How do pro drummers play quick foot patterns so easily? Here's the trick to getting total control.

Russ Miller  /  Hand Technique
Triple Your Hand Speed In One Day
Here's the secret to how so many pro drummers can play so fast.

Dorothea Taylor  /  Practice Tips
The Practice Pad Egg Challenge
We'll see just how good your dynamics and control really are when you introduce a raw egg into the equation.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Drummers Are Athletes, And Here’s The Evidence
In this article, Dr. Nadia Azar sums up the first year of her drummer research.

Jared Falk  /  Practice Tips
The Paradiddle-Diddle Turnaround Pyramid
Looking for something fun to work out on the pad? Here's a paradiddle-diddle turnaround pyramid.

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