The Beat Beginner
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Frank Ferraro  /  Health
Stop Comparing Your Drumming To Social Media Stars
Do you have a habit of watching amazing drum videos online and feeling bad about your own playing? Here's how to shift that mindset.

Larnell Lewis  /  Foot Technique
Larnell’s Trick To Fast Feet
Larnell Lewis's amazing foot technique allows him to play doubles and triples with ease. What's the secret to his incredible control?

Aaron Edgar  /  Practice Tips
Why You Shouldn’t Just Practice What’s Practical
You've probably been told over and over again that you should focus on practical drumming. Here's why you should be a rebel instead.

Gregg Bissonette  /  Practice Tips
How Quickly Can You Learn A Song?
This is why sight reading is so important. Watch Gregg Bissonette as he shows you why certain skills are must-haves.

Glen Sobel  /  Practice Tips
How To Twirl Drumsticks
Want to have more showmanship as a drummer? Glen Sobel will teach you how to incorporate stick twirls into grooves.

Jared Falk  /  Technique
Are You An Intermediate Drummer?
Here are a few ways to know if you're an intermediate drummer (and some tips for getting there).

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Chuck Comeau
Find out how many calories Chuck Comeau burns during a show with Simple Plan!

Heather Thomas  /  Hand Technique
Improve Your Weaker Hand In 30 Minutes
Want to improve your sticking consistency and strengthen your non-dominant hand? Play along with this video.

Gregg Bissonette  /  Practice Tips
Try This Four Limb Coordination Exercise
Gregg Bissonette calls it a 'four limb single stroke roll', which involves two and four limb coordination. It can be difficult at first - try it yourself!

Dom Famularo  /  Practice Tips
5 Drum Books Every Drummer Needs To Read
If you don't have these drum books, can you even call yourself a drummer? Of course...but they could help you get to the next level!

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Jason Pierce
Find out how many calories Jason Pierce burns during a show with Our Lady Peace!

Larnell Lewis  /  Drum Fills
How To Build Epic, Kick-Driven Fills
In this incredible lesson, Larnell Lewis demonstrates how to build epic, killer fills powered by the kick drum.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
5 Ways To Stick To Your Resolution
Here's how to make sure you meet your drumming goals this year (plus a bonus downloadable practice timesheet).

Jared Falk  /  Hand Technique
Learn How To Shred With This Simple Warm-Up
This simple exercise will improve your right and left hand lead, increase your fluidity, and even get you shredding.

Jared Falk  /  Practice Tips
The 12 Most Common Mistakes Drummers Make
Have you been making any of these 12 mistakes? Here's how to break through those roadblocks.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Mike Wengren
Find out how many calories Mike Wengren burns during a show with Disturbed!

Keith Carlock  /  Hand Technique
How To Play Silky Smooth Double Stroke Rolls
Keith Carlock's double strokes are rock solid. Here are two exercises he recommends to strengthen your doubles.

Raghav Mehrotra  /  Practice Tips
How To Make A Groove Feel Great
Why do some grooves make you feel good while others don't work at all? Here's how to write a drum part that complements the music.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Steve Molella
Find out how many calories Steve Molella burns during a show with Finger Eleven!

Samantha Landa  /  Practice Tips
A Drummer’s Perfect Thanksgiving
Drummers have a lot to be thankful for. Follow this recipe for your perfect Thanksgiving jam.

Gil Sharone  /  Full Lessons
Why Modern Drummers Should Still Use Old School Techniques
Gil Sharone shows how modern drummers can - and should - apply classic drum techniques to any style of music.

Aaron Edgar  /  Health
Working Through An Injury
Following a knee injury, it turned out that being extra careful actually made drumming easier.

Scott Pellegrom  /  Hand Technique
Improve Fluidity Around The Drum Set
"Wax on, wax off." This clockwise/counterclockwise exercise will get you moving smoothly around the kit.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
Why Drummers Quit
If one of these 5+ roadblocks is keeping you off the drums, learn how to ease back into playing again.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Brann Dailor
Find out how many calories Brann Dailor burns during a show with Mastodon!

Bruce Becker  /  Health
How To Prevent Drumming Injuries
Read these injury prevention tips from drum technique guru Bruce Becker and kinesiology professor Dr. Nadia Azar.

Rashid Williams  /  Full Lessons
How To Be A Tighter Drummer
If you want to take your drumming and sound to the next level, this lesson will show you exactly how to polish your playing.

Jared Falk  /  Practice Tips
4 Drum Warm-Up Exercises For Beginners
Are you a beginner? Try these four rudiment-based warm-ups on the drum set.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Tim Alexander
Find out how many calories Tim Alexander burns during a show with Primus!

Dylan Durward and Dr. Nadia Azar  /  Health
How To Deal With Tendinitis And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Find out how to recognize and manage the two most common drumming injuries: tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

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